Dass Musik and Politik may not have been new. Nik Nowak has power over the representation of Klang and political institutions in imposing Soundsystem Sculptures, which operate in Dresden.

A visual image often shows the quality of the sound as a medium. But Klang can be more than an aesthetic undertaking, the Spaß power: Klange could be other schüren, Menschen unter Druck setzen and sogar as Workzeug der politically Auseinandersetzung eingesetzt. This Dimension von Klang is Nik Nowak. The Berliner Künstler is intensive with the political dimensions of Klang-andersgesetzt. In the blessing Ausstellung Schizo Sonics: Klang as Waffe in Kalten Kriegfrom November 29, 2024 to March 2, 2025 in the Military Historical Museum in Dresden, the verbindet is an acoustic mobilization in the political camps of the vergangenheit with the gesellschaftlichen and cultural dynamics of the heute.

This support supports both central work in the focus: Panzer (2011), ein zum Soundsystem the largest Muldenkipper with Stahlketten, is a Soundskulptur, who works with the political Reggae-Soundsystemen der Siebzigerjahre in Jamaika auseinandersetzt. The praying mantis (2019) is an artistic reflection on the Lautsprecherkrieg and the German-German Border in the Kalten Krieg. The development between 1961 and 1965 would be an acoustic duell, while the performance of their own performances would be highly successful.

Both work in a confrontational installation in dialogue and purchase a sound and art experience, which is reflected in the acoustic Australian Stellvertreterkriege dieser Zeit ebenso eintauchen lässt wie in the synkopierten Grooves der huiseigenen Reggae-Truppe der Workers’ Party of Jamaica , who zum Play a beach-style version of the international game.

The context of “Schizo Sonics” was presented in a 43-minute audio essay, which was stored on archive material, including from the GDR Marching Song “Unsere Panzerdivision”. Who these historical funds are is one of the fragments, the Nik Nowak in our interview with savory hat.

GROOVE: What interpretation of the theme “Sound like Waffe” in our current time? Why is it that this theme is in the background in the middle period?

Go to one of the Bildbezogeen Gesellschaft. Klang and seine Wirkung were often welded outside Acht. Acoustic criticism strategies were developed in psychological contexts to technically improve and perfect industrial development. When all goes well, Schall is flighty. Insofern ist der Einsatz von Schall, beisplayelsweise as an instrument of torture who in the Gefängnis of Guantánamo Bay, schwer nachzuweeisen. In addition to the effective functioning of Schall’s Einsatz as a psychological Waffe, it is a great anti-democratic criticism that consists of Einsatz and the external borders of Europe for the Abschreckung and Vertreibung of Geflüchteten. When all matters of principle are influenced – by propaganda and manipulative botches, our smartphones are becoming more and more popular. Discover our worldwide information letters.

Who would like to personally come to the theme “Sound like Waffe”?

A traumatic experience in my life can bring me justice, but it can also be a problem if damage is done. Of course, if you don’t find anything like the typical clubbing experience here, you may find yourself being stimulated much of the time. Ursprünglich ich Maler became and started my studies at the Universität der Künste in Berlin with Malerei. Mein geschädigtes Ohr brought my dazu, my zunehmend mit dem Hören and the Wahrnehmung von Klang auseinanderzusetzen. Jenseits are inspired by the idea that music as a cultural waffle of the broader classes has been strengthened and useful.

Nik Nowak's armor (Photo: Nik Nowak)
Nik Nowak’s armor (Photo: Nik Nowak)

Was hat dich dazu inspired, the sound systems Panzer and The praying mantis in Gegenüberstellung zu präsentieren? Welche Bedeutung seeks this confrontation in the Ausstellung, and the Welche Botschaft is perhaps the most vermitteln?

Protect ich The praying mantis I have the feeling that I have done a study to get an overview of the results Studio am Stachheldraht from the Sechzigerjahren. It is a trade that produces one of the best results in terms of the RIAS, the beef funks in the American sector, which confronts other pages of the Berlin Mauer.

You can now view the contents of the context Car noise collisions or the Clashs of Jamaican Soundsystems. These equipment decks lend themselves to the instrumentalization of sound systems during the cold Krieges. If it were the case that a reiner Zufall erschien, erwies sich as an exciting parallel with the Jamaican Soundsystem Clashs, in finding an acoustic acoustic set-up of a role-playing game. Both phenomena – the Berliner Lautsprecherwagen and the Reggae sound system – were entwined in the acoustic stellvertreterkriege, in the rival Großmächte one of the global breakthrough in ideologies. This history is carried out in the installation The praying mantis erzählt.

The praying mantis von Nik Nowak (Photo: David Prior)

Was the war in charge of the installation excessively severe and was it intended to increase the specific acoustic impacts of the Raums? Gab is a transition in the classroom or one of the local coasts, a gewünschte Wirkung zu erzielen?

The installation can be carried out by sweating Mal aufgebaut. Unlike the premiere in KINDL, the Center for Contemporary Art in Berlin, where a Tageslicht situation occurred, a more dramatic atmosphere will disappear in MHM. The objects that are released as quasi in a thin layer of Raum, in the direction in which they are absorbed, become solos, a full story about the 43-minute intermission einzulassen. There is an optimal range of operation, with the Ausstellungshalle made of beef 670 quadratmeters with various acoustic maßnahmen ausgestattet – darunter absorbent Panel, Dämmmaterial and funf Meter hohe Bassfallen.

What emotional and creative reawakenings have your creative processes produced?

Best of all, there are many complex Bausteines, which can develop in different ways. Panzer and The praying mantis A complex sound system that is limited to its own construction is a shame. It’s been a matter of four years since one of those sculptures came out of the closet. You can create the best designs and designs with an interesting bass spectrum that extracts the objects on the sculpture from a higher associative kraft paper. In sweeping there is a trade-off with expert work and engineering. Das Hörstück hinges on Ebene gefordert in a different way – in the sin of archive and music production. The audio essay was included in the series and in a very complex process using the alias Jessica Edwards Mrs. HapticBackground singer auf Kode9s Album Memories of the future von 2006 en Stimme des Audit-Projekts Martial Hauntologythe narrative element is written and described. Make sure Freestyles from the great Big-Dada-Künstlers Infinite Livez are integrated. A work of this art is not possible everywhere.

Deine Installations can do viszeral and mitunter frightening work – who is it that has big corridors with those psychological dimensions?

I find the world and my financial advantage. If my opinion concerns dystopian elements, a man can abgewinnen his or her Hoffnung.

GROOVE presentation: Schizo Sonics – Klang als Waffe in Kalten Krieg
November 29 to March 2, 2025
Militairhistorisches Museum Dresden

The final journey is free of charge. More information about the program since then Website des Militärhistorischen Museums paintügbar.

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